Hatch Chile Festival

Drop whatever you’re doing and head to Hatch, New Mexico for this weekend’s annual Hatch Chile Festival…..here’s a link to the festival website, http://www.hatchchilefest.com/events.php . From our shop in Old Town Spring, it’s a smooth 810 miles so you might be rolling in a little late for this year’s event. But if you enjoy beautiful scenery and great tasting food made from the big green chiles they ground around Hatch (there isn’t really a Hatch chile, no matter what HEB says) then make a plan to attend next year….or better yet, make a plan to go after this weekend…..it’s 89 degrees in Hatch today but the temperatures will soon start to drop so along with cooler weather, you can enjoy the village of Hatch when it gets back to its 1,500 resident population…beautiful Texas scenery along the way…..80 miles north of El Paso you’ll be in the Hatch Valley gazing at more chile pepper plants than you’ve ever seen in one place….a mountain range running up the Tex/NM border for added scenic beauty…..spend the day around Hatch and then head a couple hours north and you’ll be able to enjoy an overnight stay at one of many cool B&B’s just outside Albuquerque……..I hope you take my advice and make this trip….New Mexico is called the Land of Enchantment for a reason.